Keyboard may work differently in the Simulator.Not all device features are available in the Simulator.This can result in different app behavior. Apps built for the Simulator use the 32-bit x86 compiler, not the 64-bit ARM compiler.Some differences when running in the Simulator include: Running in the Simulator is fast and convenient, but you should also always test your apps on actual devices as the Simulator does not work exactly like a device. When you run the app in the Simulator, you can use the Xojo debugger where you can set breakpoints to stop at the line of code, and then step through the code and look at variable values. Change this to the type of device you want to use for testing. Your project is compiled and the app starts the iOS Simulator for the device specified in the Simulator Device property for the iOS Build Setting. To run your iOS app in the iOS Simulator, click the Run button on the Xojo toolbar.